Safe for the World
Since 1962, Eco-Safe has been guided by a desire to save the world. The foreseeable future and goal at Eco-Safe is to use only natural organic products for all pests, problems, and infestations. We aim to enter the national arena to invoke and inspire much needed change in the industry, sharing research and development of the newest safest products. That’s right, we don’t just preach green – we create it. At EcoSafe Labs, we fuse unique treatment techniques from around the globe to create the most effective yet environmentally safe pest control treatments known to date.
Environmental Sustainability Scholarship
Eco-Safe proudly supports developing a safer future through our Environmental Sustainability Scholarship. Each 6 months, one student will be awarded $1,000 towards his/her environmentally focussed studies based on a minimum 1,000 word essay answering: What single change initiative are you most passionate about accomplishing in your lifetime? How and why?
Fall Award Entries Due: August 1
Fall Award Winner Announced: August 15
Spring Award Entries Due: March 1
Spring Award Winner Announced: March 15
The EcoSafe Scholarship is awarded by a rotating panel of professors, sustainability innovators, and industry thought leaders in conjunction with EcoSafe Labs.
Scholarship is open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students living and/or studying in DFW whose concentration pertains to the environment and/or sustainability.

Our first ever scholarship contest is happening right now! If you’d like to see your name, bio and face listed here as the winner, enter today, and good luck!