Birds are chirping. Leaves in the trees are full and green. It is a perfect 75 degrees outside, and the sun is shining strong. You have spent all winter watching Fixer Upper on HGTV and now you are about to revamp your Dallas “curb appeal”.
It can be an extremely exciting venture as you plan what flowers will go where and what additions will best compliment your home. Once you have made these decisions, you are either headed straight to the store with all necessary personal protective equipment or ordering what you need online. As a helpful tip, remember to always buy extra potting soil to ensure you have enough for all your flowerpots. Many of us have experienced having too many pots and not enough potting soil. Lastly, you MUST throw some bags of mulch to add that beautiful contrast to your bright flowers. This simple action will ensure that your flower beds are crisp and clean. After all Chip and Joanna Gains have made it clear that curbside appeal is not something to take lightly. You are on your way to having the best-looking house on the block.

I have a question. Who or even ‘what’ else is going to think your house looks amazing? The answer might shock you at first but really the more you think about it the more you will wonder why this never crossed your mind before.

Now that I have thrown that scary word out there, let us think about why termites might love your new revamped front yard. When termites reach maturity, they may venture off and leave their colonies due to overcrowding. These termites are looking for a new home, so they fly away to find a mate and establish new colonies of their own. This is called swarming and swarming most commonly occurs in the spring and summer months; however, it can happen during any time of the year. One thing that many people do in the spring has a common connection with termites and it is something we have already mentioned. Mulching your beautiful new flower beds.
Do not worry, too much – at least, not yet. Termites are not typically going to come prepackaged in your bags of mulch. In fact, this would be extremely rare as it would be highly unlikely for termites would survive the chipping and transport stages. It is also not possible that the termites will smell the fresh mulch and come running for a free meal. In fact, it is not highly likely that termites will find it appetizing at all. The reason that there is a common link between the two is that, mulch spread out over 3 inches deep can create a warm, moist, and dark habitat for termites and other insects. Thus, creating a highway for them to safely tunnel from their existing colonies to your foundation. Chances are your yard already has termites and they are living underground and out of sight. There are steps you can take to make sure that you are protecting your Dallas home from termites as much as you can.
Here are some simple things you can do to limit your chances of termite infestation:
- Ensure that the mulch in your flower beds is no thicker than three inches
- Try to keep mulch at least 6 inches away from the side of your home (the further, the better)
- Utilize Cypress and Cedar mulch whenever possible
Ultimately, landscaping can either increase or decrease pest activity. For an extra layer of protection, call upon the termite experts from Miss Phoebe’s Pest and Termite Control. With the proper termite prevention program in place for your Dallas home, you can have all the “curb appeal” along with extra protection from termites.
Dallas Natural Organic Mosquito and Pest Control

As an added pro-tip, one way to get even more “curb appeal” and kudos from your neighbors is by utilizing Eco-Safe services such as our natural organic mosquito service. When you do, you can proudly display an Eco-Safe Pest Control Dallas Mosquito Sign in your front yard, while safely enjoying your backyard with your family. Your neighbors and family will love you as you will help to reduce mosquito populations without the unnecessary toxic materials.