Safe for Children
Eco-Safe provides a necessary service for public health and home protection that you can trust. Everyone benefits when Eco-Safe products are selected, including children and expecting families. Using Eco-Safe in your home or business ensures a safe environment for the little hands and bare feet of future eco-superheroes!
Free Eco-Safe Science Class in Your School
We love sharing bug knowledge with children! Do you have a science class that you would like Eco-Safe to teach about entomology, biology, and the importance of insects? We offer this public educational service at no charge! Simply email with “Science Class” as the subject for more information.
Super Children’s Art Contest
What SUPER thing would you do for the environment? Invite the child (or children) in your life to paint or draw their unique answer to this question. Then snap a picture and send it to with the subject “Super Art Contest” for a chance to win a $100 book store or school supply shopping spree! Draw from scratch or begin by downloading one of our superhero coloring sheets below! Winners are announced quarterly.